Dane County, Wisconsin

A existing house, circa 1960, was situated on a beautiful, large wooded lot, adjacent to a densely forested moraine. Though structurally sound, the house was worn poorly over the years with aged finished and spatial organization no longer suitable to its owners. This posed a dilemma: whether to sell and move elsewhere or to add, remodel and refurbish. The beauty of the site pointed to the latter option. The solution was to gut the house, including all non-loadbearing interior partitions, and introduce a new organizational axis that ties the house more closely to the moraine.

Interior materials include maple flooring and trim, wool carpeting, painted gypsum board, exposed dimension lumber (existing-painted, new—clear), exposed plywood and fir roof decking, sandblasted concrete, kasota stone and granite. Exterior materials included painted, lapped siding of the original house form, with stained tongue-and-groove siding for new construction. Colors selected both inside and outside are drawn from the natural setting.

Madison Magazine Interior Design



Contemporary Farmhouse


North Woods Retreat